squiggly lineSupport

Your support allows us to continue our work helping congregations innovate their capacity to thrive.

The Center for Church Innovation is a California Non-profit. The IRS has granted us status as a 501(c)3. All gifts are tax deductible.

Tax ID Number: 88-0792543

Make an Online Gift

Other Ways to Give

To Give Via Check or Automatic Payment

Mail a check or set up automatic payments through your bank using the mailing address below.

Center for Church Innovation

c/o the Admin Hub

PO Box 22661

San Francisco CA 94122

To Give a Gift of Stock

Your brokerage firm will need the following information to initiate the transfer.

Account Name: The Center for Church Innovation

Broker:  Charles Schwab

Account Number:  4623-5470

DTC Number:  0164 Code 40

Please notify us your transfer is coming and what stock you will be donating to support our work by sending the information via email to support@churchinnovation.org. A copy of these instructions is available for download HERE.


To talk more about the vision of the Center for Church Innovation and your participation in it, contact the Rev. Dr. Scot Sherman using any of the info below.

Phone: (415) 287-9671

Email: support@churchinnovation.org