Scot and Claire speak with the Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the Bay Area, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus, about the vitality practices that make building – or repairing – Beloved Community in each of our particular contexts possible: invitation, community embeddedness, diversity, collaboration, and sustainability. This inspiring conversation moves organically in many directions, and may or may not involve Scot almost singing a song from Frozen. This second episode deepens our introduction to Vital+Thriving Congregations and is full of both theoretical and practical insight for everyone interested in building a Church that, in the words of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, “looks and acts like Jesus.”
Listen and subscribe wherever you find podcasts, or listen on our website. Twice each month, we will release a new episode with the goal of supporting congregations as they emerge from the pandemic, inspiring leaders in discernment and experimentation, and encouraging creative collaboration.